
  • How to run Microsoft USMT remotely over a network connection

    Microsoft USMT (User State Migration Tool) is a proven and powerful tool that allows a PC administrator to package a Windows Account Profile into a single file to be moved to another PC or backed up. One of the main benefits of this tool is that profiles are moved safely and includes all settings, files,…

  • Super Launcher v1.2.7.0 Released Changes Fixed project files so the MSI files output correctly. MSI installer now actually contains the dotnet 6.0 runtime. As a sidenote, this release is a minor fix to See below for more details: Changes Added bootstrap utility that copies SL files to common directory. This should prevent the “Access Denied” message when using…

  • Super Launcher v1.2.5.0 Released

    Added Run Dialog Menu with Hotkey ALT + R Added folder browsing in explorer input box.

  • Super Launcher v1.2.4.0 Released

    Added shortcut keys: ALT + S Fixed error when selection “Options…” in file explorer.

  • Super Grate v1.3.2.1 Released

    This is a minor update to Super Grate: Reduced an interval that determines if a remote process has finished from 3 seconds to 1/2 a second.

  • Super Launcher v1.2.3.0 Released

    Changes is the v1.2.3.0 release of Super Launcher.

  • Super Grate v1.3.2.0 Released

    Fixes bug where Super Grate concatenates the file path when copying to the remote Super Grate directory causing USMT manifest files to not be loaded correctly. Changes: 6709aff Fixes #58 This list of changes was auto generated.

  • Super Grate v1.3.1.0 Released

    New Feature! Restore a user profile with a new username and or domain! Changes: cb80857 Added user renaming support. d297299 Fixed icon issue where invisible menu items icons index was not offset correctly. 0ef2e3f Added target nt account store property. 63dccdc Removed updater. dd81874 Add files via upload 3d9272d Add files via upload 581a962 Create FUNDING.yml f5fef5b Add files via upload 43896fc Updated USMT…

  • Super Launcher v1.2.2.0 Released

    Feature Update: Added advanced options into the Explorer UI.